Here's another spectacular SunSpaces project that was finished recently: an 11m wide x 3m deep Panorama garden room with decking as the floor.
The low-maintenance composite decking was provided by our sister company, DeckPlus - their WeatherDek Aged Oak boards provided the perfect finish for this very stylish space.

The decking's weathered appearance contrasts the ultra-modern look of the Panorama sunroom quite superbly.
The sunroom itself features sliding glass doors on all three sides, so the space can be completely opened up on nice days. Now that the summer weather is settling in, we're certain that this garden room will see a lot of use over the coming months!

If you'd like to add a garden room like this to your property, contact the SunSpaces team today - we'll be more than happy to discuss your project and answer any questions you might have.

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