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Working from Home – An Outdoor Retreat

During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, the UK government (as well as the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) urged everyone to work from home if possible. Many people found that remote working suited them very well, not least because it gave them a break from the daily commute and enabled to them to spend more time with their loved ones. But working from home has its downsides, too; it can be very difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance when your home is also your workplace.

This was the problem that a couple from Salisbury hoped to overcome by adding a SunSpaces veranda to their property. Both of them were working from home in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, and they decided that adding a veranda to their garden would give them a much-needed retreat, preventing work from infringing on their quality time.

Installing the new veranda

This veranda was constructed by our own in-house installation team.

The weather was appalling, but we worked on regardless, and our customers were very pleased with the results:

"Hell and damnation it seemed wouldn't stop progress, and it was a terrible irony that the sun came out as soon as the work was complete!

"SunSpaces should be proud of their approach and service, really hard to fault in any way and we are happy to recommend them."

How we helped our customers to improve their work/life balance while working from home

Here’s what the couple themselves had to say about their new Ultra veranda:

“We are very happy with our terrace and veranda.

"COVID-19 has obliged us to work from home since mid-March, and being able to use the outdoor space almost regardless of weather (thanks to the heaters) has made a real difference to our general wellbeing.

“It's amazing how just a few minutes out in the fresh air and a little closer to nature really peels away the stress that otherwise builds up when you're working and living within the same four walls.

"We are really impressed with the lights, by the way - absolutely delighted that they can be dimmed so they don't overpower or make you feel like you are onstage once the sun has set."

A few months after installing the new veranda, we received some more feedback from our customers in Salisbury. “We have certainly been making good use of the veranda and terrace,” they said, “and we are really happy with the transformation it has brought to both the house and our ability to enjoy fresh air dining – a great way to relax and get away from work while working from home.”

Al fresco dining has been a key benefit of the veranda for this couple. “We've been able to have nearly every breakfast, mid-morning coffee and lunch outside,” they reported. “Only the worst of weather and gloom has caused us to revert inside.”

Would you like to add a SunSpace to your property? Browse our veranda range here, or give us a call on 01727 845 788 to discuss your project.