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Outdoor SunSpaces News

garden office


If working from home has become the new normal for you, it might be time to start thinking about setting up a proper office.


Businesses up and down the country are keeping their employees out of the office for as long as possible to avoid an outbreak of COVID-19, some are even considering allowing people to work from home indefinitely! Of course, few people ever thought that they'd find themselves in this position and even fewer have dedicated office spaces in their homes.


Speaking to people who find themselves suddenly working from home, you'll hear the same difficulties come up time and time again. "I don't have a proper space where I won't be disturbed by the kids", "I'm having to use the coffee table as a desk", "I'm struggling to separate work and home life"... the list goes on. 


Well, we've been thinking about possible solutions for these people, and we think a sunroom office could be the answer to all these problems. You've probably seen previous blogs we've shared about adding a garden office to your home before, but today we're going to talk about converting your sunroom into an office.


Strip it back

To convert your sunroom into an office, the first thing you need to do is declutter. What are you using your sunroom for currently? Is it a cosy relaxation space? An outdoor dining area? Or simply extra storage space?


However you're using your sunroom, you'll need to strip it back if you want to create a functional office, and while the dining table might be a healthy addition to your new office - beanbags, blankets and dog beds definitely won't. 


The best workspaces are free from clutter and fairly minimal in design. Having too many 'things' around can distract you from your work and make you feel overwhelmed. So, take a look at your sunroom and decide what needs to come out of there so your office conversion can commence.


Converting your sunroom into an office

The way that you set up your new garden office conversion can have a huge impact on your productivity. As we've previously mentioned, minimal design and clutter-free spaces are ideal. You should consider:

  • Facing your desk away from the garden so you don't get distracted by things in the garden
  • Taking advantage of the natural light by keeping windows and doors clear of furniture
  • Allowing space for things you need for work eg. paperwork, folders, coffee (of course!)
  • Closing the door and reminding people not to disturb you during work hours
  • Keeping your phone out of reach


Benefits of a sunroom office conversion

So, by now you're probably wondering - why should I convert my sunroom rather than another room in the house? There are a few benefits to choosing an outdoor office, including:

  • Lots of natural light
  • Easy access to fresh air
  • An obvious separation between your 'work' space and your 'home' space

If you don't already have a sunroom that you can convert into an office, we can help! We have a wide range of sunrooms that can be fully customised with lights, heaters and shades to help you create the perfect office space. Get in touch to find out more.

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